In this Post I'll talk to you all about affirmations and how I've used them to support me in integrating mindset shifts. I'll also provide some chakra affirmation examples at the bottom of this post for you to use!
The way I use affirmations to change my mind set is by drawing my attention and energy to what I am wanting to experience. This isn't just saying a few words on repeat but actually attaching meaning to what it is the affirmation is saying and being conscious of what feelings come up when you do say them.
This is important because words are attached to a collective and personal meaning that can translate to feelings. So, there's no point in affirming something that makes you feel uncomfortable because the resonating frequency is that uncomfortable feeling and you'll just end up experiencing more of that unless you reframe the meaning and feeling behind the words.
When you do find this happening, what you want to understand is why you feel that way about that word or affirmation. Really looking to reflect on what is behind the feeling whether it's an unaligned perspective or past experience. This in itself takes time and sometimes the support of someone who can assist you, so it might be a matter of changing the affirmation whilst you do this inner exploration.
Now obviously affirmations are just one small part of how someone can shift their mindset but there super popular because there simple and easy to implement.
I remember when I started to use the affirmation "I can, I will, I am, I have" when I was 24. I had started to take on more responsibilities at work and recognised I was having issues with sending important emails or completing tasks outside of my comfort zone from fear I was doing it wrong. Ultimately, I had a bit of imposter syndrome and perfectionism rooted in my lack of confidence going on.
So, for me the affirmation "I can, I will, I am, I have" was created with the intention to make the act of sending the email or doing the thing less of a big deal because somewhere out there I've already done it and I survived. So each time i was faced with this overwhelming fear i'd say the affirmation grit my teeth and send the email or do the thing.
It worked so well that I was being recognised at work for my potential leadership qualities that new opportunities came to me.
I put it down to this, the affirmation just helped me to take the action I needed to, to reach my goal of being confident. And by default, the more I actively took those steps and applied myself the more confidence that was built in my ability.
But if I look at it in a different way it could easily have had the opposite effect if the words had caused me further anxiety because it would've added onto what I was already feeling stopped me from taking the steps to what I was wanting to accomplish.
Now my favourite affirmation is "I am open to receiving" which is ironic given I use to cringe at that affirmation. But i did the inner exploration and started to understand and shift my relationship to the meaning behind the words and now I'm able to focus on allowing myself to experience receiving.
Here's a little activity to get you started when choosing an affirmation.
For this example we are going to use the affirmation "I am Passionate" Ask yourself these two questions:
What does I am Passionate mean to you?
What feelings do you get when you think about what it means to you?
Is it filled with excitement, desire, purpose or is it filled with overwhelm, exhaustion, burn out?
If the later then what word comes to mind when you think of excitement, desire, purpose that feels good for you? Once you find that word it's what you want to use in your affirmation either in place of passion or in conjunction with passion.
For example, "I am excited" or "I am excited about passion".
And hey you don't have to say an affirmation on a schedule, just when it feels like it will bring you some comfort or push you outside your comfort zone in a positive way or even help you make the changes you've been wanting to make.
Below are some chakra affirmations I've created that you can apply the same exercise.
Crown Chakra
"I Have Faith" "I Have Purpose"
Third Eye Chakra
"I See Clearly" "I Have the Answers"
Throat Chakra
"I am Worthy of Being Heard" "My Ideas are Meant to be Shared"
Heart Chakra
"I am Accepting of Love" "I am Allowed to Feel How I Feel"
Solar Plexus Chakra
"I am Confident" "I am Successful"
Sacral Chakra
"I am Passionate" "I am Creative"
Root Chakra
" I am Secure" "I am Present"
I'd love to hear what affirmations you loved the most or even what you came up with on your own make sure to share them in the comment section below!
Emma xx
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So interesting. Thanks Emma