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Unravelling the Knots


Becoming your own oracle by discovering and trusting in your wisdom free from fear.

I can help you
Emma Zilko


Finding Self through Healing

Hi Beautiful Soul,

Yes you!

I'm Emma and I believe in your ability to make changes in your world by reconnecting to your inner essence and building a relationship to you. 

Because I have.


Over the last few years, I've ventured into the world of spiritual practices and used these magical modalities to journey into the subconscious and unravel the ties that keep me constricted to old unconscious behaviours and patterns. This work has helped me to overcome fear that's given me the ability to travel solo to Egypt, leave a company i had worked for, for 8 years and mend relationships with people i thought i had lost to disagreements.

For me this work is so important to share because it allows for you to take back your power through building a healthy relationship to you which gives you back your autonomy to start to create from your true essence. 

So, are you ready to start taking back your power and to create from your true essence? 

Here's what my clients are saying 

Katie B

"Emma's Distance sessions are truly special. I've experienced major shifts every time. My favourite thing is that after each session, I experience an easier connection with spirit. I love this because when life gets busy, I struggle to dim the noise of external influence, and that can sometimes inhibit my spirit team from communicating clearly. I highly recommend Emma's distance sessions for anyone wanting to reconnect with their intuition and connect with source and spirit whilst having a deeply healing and relaxing experience in the comfort of their own home."

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